Edge Gripper Suction Cups for Hot Forming SAOK HT2 (Oval)

  • Handling of structural parts with edges and narrow radii
  • Handling of workpieces designed with little even surfaces for suction
  • Process reliable handling with extremely high holding force
  • Highest dynamic handling for shortening cycle times
  • Handling of metal sheets in body and press shops (hot forming)
  • Suction cups are not suitable for flat components
Điểm nổi bật của sản phẩm
  • Silicone-free special material HT2 is free of LABS and temperature resistant up to 250 °C
  • Oval edge suction cup for long workpieces or stamped and body parts
  • Structured inner support prevents deep drawing and withstands maximum lateral forces
  • Vulcanized connection nipple avoids machine damage and downtime due to loss of suction cups
  • High temperature material HT2
  • Soft sealing lip for the best adaptation to workpieces with small radii
  • Robust and wear-resistant suction cups
  • Suction cups available with various connection types
  • Vulcanized aluminum reinforcing element for maximum strength
  • Suction cups are delivered assembled
  • Dimensions: 70 x 25 mm
  • Material: HT2
  • Connection nipple vulcanized to elastomer part
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