Hose-free Schmalz clamping system for console tables from SCM / Morbidelli, fully compatible with original equipment
The Adapter-Plates are positioned directly onto the vacuum supply on the consoles
Equipping the ISAP-S with up to four additional Mono-Bases and suction cups
Particularly suitable for narrow and curved workpieces with small suction surfaces and delicate molds
Overall height can be adapted with the spacer rings
TV system from SCM = S1 system from Schmalz (width of the console 72.5 mm)
TVN System from SCM = S4 System from Schmalz (width of the console 109 mm)
Product Highlights
Ideal for narrow and curved workpieces, as plates and vacuum blocks can be flexibly combined
Freely positionable suction cups and Mono-Bases allow almost any clamping layout
Mixed operation with standard vacuum blocks possible for even more flexibility and short set-up times
Accessories and spare parts can be replaced quickly, easily and cost-effectively without tools
Adapter-Plate (1) base plate
Dovetail mount (2) for mechanical pre-fastening on SCM / Morbidelli consoles
Sealing frame (3) optimized to allow easy repositining of the Adapter-Plate on the console; and sealing magnet (4)
Mono-Base (5) for positioning on top of the vacuum openings of the Adapter-Plate and suction cup (7) for fixing the workpiece are available as accessories
Spacer ring (6) for adjusting the height to the machining height of the machine